It is a privilege to welcome schools to Eyam Church and we hope your visit is both educational and enjoyable.
We have three options for your visit:
- a half hour look round which you manage yourselves for £1.00 per child;
- an hour visit which includes an interactive talk and look round for £1.50 per child;
- an hour visit which includes a unique DVD and time to look round for £1.50 per child.
Teachers and adults accompanying school parties are free.
Please use the booking form to make your visit arrangements.
If you want to discuss these options in more detail please contact the church office and we will be pleased to help you.
You can also hire the Church Centre next to the Church for your lunch time break at £25 per hour.
Thank you for visiting our Church - the proceeds from your visit help to maintain the church and keep it open.
Please help to keep our village tidy by taking your litter home